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A Zimmer Nstride Injection at Wessex Knee in Southampton is used to treat an inflamed knee joint and to relieve pain by introducing high levels of good proteins into the bloodstream.

Zimmer Nstride Injection is used to overcome knee pain, and we know that everyone experiences knee pain at one time or another. There are many possible causes, including traumatic events, normal wear and tear, or Osteoarthritis. If Osteoarthritis is not treated at its minor or mild stage, then it can be really painful and can only be treated via surgery.

Let’s find out more about the causes of using the Zimmer Nstride Injection, how Zimmer Nstride Injection therapy works, and the benefits of using a Zimmer Nstride Injection.

What is Osteoarthritis

The most common form of arthritis is Osteoarthritis, which happens when cartilage, which protects the ends of bones, wears down. The effects can vary from person to person, with some feeling minimal discomfort while others experiencing difficulty going about their day-to-day activities. You can also experience swelling, tenderness, and a gritty, rasping sensation in your knee with osteoarthritis.

The good proteins in your blood might obstruct the harmful proteins that are causing the inflammation in your joints. The quality of your cartilage can then be enhanced by additional healthy proteins. If the availability of healthy protein is decreased, the cartilage may begin to deteriorate.

With just one treatment, Nstride reduces knee joint pain and improves joint function, as well as slowing cartilage degradation. Let’s find out more about the Zimmer Nstride Injection and how it works.

What is a Zimmer Nstride Injection?

Even though osteoarthritis is frequently listed as one of the world's most incapacitating and even fatal diseases, the pharmaceutical companies only demonstrated 10 medications for osteoarthritis in clinical trials against hundreds for cancer.

The changing viewpoint and the impending, significant unmet clinical need have driven Zimmer Biomet to alter its strategies for addressing the osteoarthritis problem. The business hasn't disclosed many details of its multi-year strategic shift away from a focus almost entirely on implants and toward solutions for monitoring medical populations.

To relieve pain and perhaps prevent further cartilage loss in the knee joint, Zimmer Nstride APS Injection is a unique therapy that uses "good proteins" obtained from the patient's own body. It has been demonstrated to considerably lessen knee osteoarthritis pain for up to two years and enhance knee joint flexibility. Patients participating in a clinical outcomes trial after a single dose.

How Does Zimmer Nstride Injection work?

Inflammatory cytokines attack the cartilage and force it to degrade when you have osteoarthritis in your knee. They dominate the cytokines that fight inflammation. A single Zimmer Nstride injection of a protein liquid made from your blood is required to begin the treatment. Before the injection, blood is collected from an arm vein, centrifuged to remove undesirable blood components, and then spun once more to produce the protein liquid.

High concentrations of good proteins that are intended to prevent the harmful proteins and counteract their effects are introduced during therapy with Nstride APS. Since the injection includes anabolic growth factors that are good for cartilage health, Nstride APS treatments are different from conventional therapy in that they both reduce pain and slow cartilage deterioration.

How to Prepare for the Procedure?

• In the weeks leading up to and following your injection, avoid all anti-inflammatory medications.

• It is important not to stop taking low-dose aspirin if it has been prescribed by your doctor.

• We recommend that you inform our booking team of any blood thinners you may be taking, so they can give you further instructions.

• One hour prior to your assessment, you are suggested to consume light food.

• To give yourself sufficient time to fill out a consent form, please arrive 30 minutes before your appointment.

• Follow the instructions provided on any prescription drugs.

• Put on comfortable clothing.

Benefits of Zimmer Nstride Injection

The following are the benefits of using Zimmer Nstride injection:

1. The only single-injection therapy with advantages that last for up to three years is Nstride. Your knee joint receives an injection that is super useful in reducing pain and redness.

2. Autologous refers to being your own. Your doctor can treat a sample of your blood to isolate and concentrate particular molecules. The OA process that is taking place in your knee is treated with healthy proteins. So, there is no harm in using your blood.

3. According to Clinical studies, the effects of a single injection can persist for up to 2-3 years, and in some studies, it has been shown to extend for 5 years. During this time, they may dramatically lessen discomfort, relax stiffness, and aid in regaining flexibility and mobility. In clinical tests, patients reported little to no discomfort following the surgery in 85% of cases and a symptom reduction of roughly 70% even 24 months later.

4. By injecting high concentrations of "good" proteins concentrated in your blood, the Zimmer Nstride injection procedure aims to reduce discomfort and restore equilibrium to your inflammatory knee joint. These "good" proteins have the ability to obstruct the "bad" proteins that are causing the inflammation in your joint. Zimmer Nstride injection also concentrates growth elements that are good for cartilage health at the same time.

5. Contrary to steroids and viscosupplementation, Zimmer Nstride Injection contains significant amounts of anabolic growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines, which may be able to slow the progression of the illness.

6. You receive an injection of these anti-inflammatory proteins into your knee joint. Ultimately, your joint health improves, your pain levels decrease, and your overall mobility increases.

7. Studies have demonstrated that Nstride dramatically lessens knee OA discomfort for up to 3 years. The OA-related knee joint's function is markedly improved.

8. After a single injection, it is discovered to be helpful for patients with Kellgren, and Lawrence stages 2 and 3 (mild to moderate OA). Three years after receiving a single injection, knee discomfort was reported to have improved by 70%.

9. Nstride injections are both safe and well-tolerated. Since it is made from your blood, there is nearly no possibility that you may experience an allergic reaction.

10. It is appropriate for all patients who do not want to undergo any procedures, and the entire injection process is completed quite quickly.

Things To Do Post Treatment

You may suffer minor joint swelling, redness, and localized pain on the day of your injection and for a few days later, depending on where the blood was drawn and the injection was given. If necessary, you can take paracetamol, but you should stay away from anti-inflammatory drugs.

After your injection, we advise waiting 14 days before engaging in any vigorous activity. To prevent knee joint irritation, limit all activities during the first four or five days, even walking. The Zimmer Nstride injection is a secure and reliable method of pain management that can assist you in returning to many of your favorite activities.


Osteoarthritis has a detrimental effect on the quality of life through pain and restricted mobility, which limits one's capacity to work and lowers one's self-esteem. The Nstride Autologous Protein Solution APS treatment should be used in conjunction with a targeted and thorough rehabilitative and training program for knee osteoarthritis to maximize the reduction in pain so you may resume doing the activities you love to do.

An excellent treatment made possible by Nstride Injection may lessen knee pain, enhance joint functionality, and delay cartilage deterioration. This treatment is administered in the doctor's office as a single, non-surgical injection.

The ground-breaking Zimmer Nstride Injection therapy is intended to relieve the discomfort and focus on the inflammation that causes osteoarthritis-related cartilage degeneration and deterioration. Blood is drawn to extract anti-inflammatory proteins and anabolic growth factors, which are then converted in a centrifuge before being injected back into the knee.

Your clinician can determine a clinic room where you will receive the injection. Contact Wessex Knee Surgery to find out if Zimmer Nstride Injection is right for you. One thing that must be kept in mind, Wessex Knee Surgery is the only clinic on the South coast of England that is offering the Zimmer Nstride Injection therapy.

So, avail this golden opportunity and book your appointment online. If you are someone you know is facing a minor to mild knee Osteoarthritis then Wessex knee are here to help.


MRI scanning may be necessary if you have a knee injury or experience pain, weakness, or swelling around your knee. Doctors can use this test to determine if your symptoms are related to a medical condition. MRI scans create detailed images of the inside of the body by using a magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer. A knee MRI scan shows your doctor all your bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and even some blood vessels, unlike an X-ray whic shows just bones.

Let's find out more about MRI scanning for a knee injury, why you should get an MRI scan, and what it takes to prepare for the MRI scanning process.

Knee MRI Scanning:

Magnetic resonance imaging is also known as MRI. Magnetic fields and radio waves are used in an MRI test to capture images inside the body without having to make an incision. MRI can be done on any part of the body. However, your knee and its surroundings are the focus of a knee MRI scanning.

Your doctor can observe both the bones and soft tissues in your body using an MRI. This enables them to examine any parts of the knee that might have been injured by exercise or normal wear and tear. In-depth images of the knee's numerous components, including its bones, cartilage, tendons, muscles, blood vessels, and ligaments, can also be obtained from the examination. Compared to other examinations, an MRI produces images with superior contrast.

How is MRI Scanning Better than X-ray?

In comparison to an X-ray, an MRI scan is significantly more effective at identifying damage and issues with the knee. It produces precise and in-depth images of the inside of the body from numerous angles using radio waves and a powerful magnetic field. Contrarily, an X-ray uses radiation to create a single, plain image.

An MRI can reveal things like bone anomalies, cartilage degeneration, and ligament or tendon tears. Additionally, it can be used to find malignancies or infections. While a knee X-ray is useful for spotting fractures or other bone damage, it does not reveal as much information about soft tissues as an MRI.

Therefore, it is strongly advised that you obtain an MRI scan to identify the source of any knee pain or stiffness.

Right Time to Get MRI Scanning

When it comes to assisting you in getting rid of your knee discomfort, magnetic resonance imaging is particularly important. But when should you have your knee MRI'd? If your doctor suspects any problems within your knee joint, they may request an MRI scan. Without doing surgery, the test enables your doctor to see the structure of your knee and identify any potential causes of your pain, inflammation, or weakness.

Typically, a doctor may prescribe an MRI to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of various illnesses. These consist of:

• Other degenerative joint diseases, such as arthritis

• Broken bones

• Injured meniscus, ligaments, tendons, or cartilage

• Knee joint motion is lessened.

• Swelling in the knee

• Infection

• Issues with implanted medical technology

• Trauma or sports-related injuries

• Tumors

Along with your knee MRI, your doctor might also request further imaging exams, such as an X-ray. In addition, before undergoing knee arthroscopy, they could place an MRI request. A small incision is made, and a scope with a camera is inserted to allow the doctor to see into your knee.

Risks Associated With MRI Scanning

Radiation is not used in an MRI, in contrast to X-rays and CT scans. Everyone agrees that it's a safer option, especially for kids and expectant mothers. The radiation levels in CT scans are tolerable for adults, but they must be used carefully on youngsters and are not safe for growing fetuses.

You run some dangers if you have metal-containing implants. Pacemakers and surgically implanted screws or pins may shift as a result of the MRI's magnets. The contrast dye used in MRIs may cause an allergic reaction in certain persons. Gadolinium is the most popular kind of contrast dye. However, the medicine may usually be used to easily treat these moderate allergic reactions.

Things To Do To Prepare for MRI Scanning

Now that you know what MRI scanning is, how it is different from X-rays, and the risks associated with MRI scanning, it's time to prepare for Knee MRI scanning.

1. Every testing facility has its own unique MRI preparation procedures. You will receive comprehensive instructions on how to be ready for your particular test from your doctor or the attending technician.

2. Your clinician will thoroughly examine you and take a detailed medical history before performing an MRI. Inform them about all of your prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal supplements that you are using. Include any known allergies as well. If you have any medical devices that have been implanted, let them know since the test may impact them.

3. Inform your doctor if you've ever experienced an adverse reaction to contrast dye or if you've been given a kidney-related diagnosis.

4. If you're nursing or afraid that you could be pregnant, let clinicians know. For pregnant women, radioactive contrast dye used in MRIs is not regarded as safe. Mothers who are nursing should stop nursing for roughly two days after the test.

5. It is a small, enclosed area inside the MRI scanner. Be sure to discuss your choices with your doctor if you suffer from claustrophobia or a fear of confinement. They might administer a sedative to help you unwind. If you suffer from extreme claustrophobia, your doctor might recommend an "open" MRI. This kind of MRI uses a machine without a body-enclosing enclosure.

How Does an MRI Scanning Work?

An MRI machine resembles a massive wheel. A flat table can glide in and out of the machine because the middle portion of the MRI machine is left open for sliding. The magnetic and radio waves used to create photographs of your body are sent out by the rounded, wheel-like portion.

On a cushioned table, you will lie on your back or your side. To make your knee more relaxed during the test, the technician may utilize straps or pillows. As a result, the machine will be able to capture the clearest photos while keeping your leg immobile.

The operator will next lower you, feet first, into the apparatus. You'll be told when to remain motionless and hold your breath. Since the operator will be in a different room observing the monitors as they gather images, these directions will be delivered over a microphone.

Although you won't feel the machine in action, you might hear some loud noises like clacks or thuds, as well as possibly a whirling sound. You might receive earplugs or some music from the operator. During the scan, there won't be any sensation. However, if this is your first MRI, you could be taken aback by how noisy it is. The device emits humming, banging, and knocking noises. You'll probably be given headphones or earplugs by the techie. If not, you can request them.

The inspection normally lasts 30 to 60 minutes. You can change back into your clothing and resume your day once the technician has captured the necessary photographs. Following the examination, the technician will transmit pictures to a radiologist, who will then send your doctor a report. You'll be able to take your car home and get on with your day as usual.

How Does It Feel to Go Through Knee MRI Scanning?

An MRI scan is painless. You must remain still as you lay there. Abrupt movement can affect MRI results and produce mistakes. You can request a blanket or pillow even if the table is uncomfortable or cold. When turned on, the device emits a loud thumping and humming sound. You can reduce noise by donning earplugs.

You can communicate with everyone in the room at any moment, thanks to the intercom. To pass the time, some MRI machines feature televisions and specialized headphones. If you weren't given a medication to relax you, there is no recuperation period. You can resume your regular diet, exercise, and medication regimen after having an MRI.

Post Knee MRI Scanning

Your physician will receive the results of the radiologist's examination of your Knee MRI scans. MRI scans come in monochrome. Bright white specks could be an abnormality. These show regions where the contrast dye has accumulated as a result of increased cell activity.

Your doctor will discuss the issue and the subsequent measures for therapy after reviewing the test findings. Your condition will determine if you need additional testing, medication, physical therapy, surgery, or a combination of these. The ideal approaches for you will be determined with the advice of your doctor.


MRI scanning is the best viable option for anyone suffering from a knee injury or any other knee-related problems. MRI scanning provides a detailed image of the body parts. If you are suffering from a knee injury, then contact Wessex Knee Surgery to get an MRI scan of your knee.


A pleasure to be asked back on to BBC Radio Solant to update everyone on our latest news. Talking about the amazing Arthrex NanoScope and recruiting for the Episurf implant trail. Listen back to our interview here.

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